
From the Staff Committee 2011-2012

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April 13, 2012

SN- 44/11-12  Original:  English


The Staff Committee wishes to acknowledge the General Secretariat for the publication of the Executive Order No. 12-01, “Modification of the Staff Rules,” regarding Rule 106.7, Parental Leave, which establishes leave for all parents who are not entitled to Maternity Leave under Rule 106.6

In that regards, it wants to recognize and thank the work done by the Staff Association, past and present Committee members and the special task force created for this matter, who worked diligently to present the initial proposal for paternal leave to the Secretariat and support the drafting of the final version.

The Staff Committee reiterates its commitment to work with the General Secretariat to improve working conditions and protect the welfare of staff members and their families.


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