
From the Staff Committee 2011-2012

(202) 458-6230- Fax (202) 458-3466

May 4th, 2012

SN- 48/11-12 Corr 1 Original:  English


The Staff Committee wishes to inform the staff of the General Secretariat that on April 25th, having become aware of the General Secretariat’s intention to proceed with the separation  from service of more than 50 staff members, a  letter was sent to the Director of Human Resources urgently requesting the following information:

-         Schedule being considered for the execution of these reductions.

-         Criteria that would be used to identify the posts that would be eliminated.

-         Liquidation mechanisms that would be offered to the affected personnel.

-         Types of contracts that would be affected by this measure.

-         Complementary actions that may be contemplated to address the budgetary crisis such as freezing new hires, eliminating vacant posts, etc.

Given the delicate situation, the Committee requested the information be sent within the following 48 hours in order to adopt the necessary measures to protect the rights of the staff that could be affected.

The Staff Committee regrets to inform that the information has not yet been received. Consequently, the Committee will convene an Information Session on Monday May 14th to assess the situation with the staff and explore future courses of action.


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