:: Staff Association Website::

From the Staff Committee 2013-2014

(202) 370-4645

July 26, 2013

SN- 2/13-14  Original: English/ Español  


Annual report of the Staff Committee 2012-2013


The Staff Association is pleased to inform all staff that the Annual Report of the 2012-2013 Staff Committee is available on the Staff Association Website.


You may also review the video of the Regular Meeting of the Assembly held on July 10th 2013, as well as the remarks given by the incoming President of the Staff Committee 2013-2014, Mr. Michael Thomas.  


Here are the links of the documents mentioned above:    


Report of the Staff Committee 2012-2013 - English (PDF version)

Regular Meeting of the Assembly, Padilha Vidal – July 10, 2013.

Remarks given by the  President of the Staff Association, Mr. Michael Thomas



If you have any comments, please refer them to the President of the Staff Association at [email protected]






Informe Anual del Comité del Personal 2012-2013


La Asociación del Personal desea informar a todo el personal que el informe anual de actividades del comité 2012-2013 se encuentra disponible en nuestra página Web.


Asimismo, esta disponible el video de la Reunión Ordinaria de la Asamblea, la cual se llevo a cabo el día 10 de julio de 2013  y el discurso del nuevo Presidente de la Asociación del Personal, el Sr. Michael Thomas.   


Adjuntamos los enlaces de los archivos ya mencionados:

 Informe del Comite del Personal 2012-2013 -  Español (PDF version)

Regular Meeting of the Assembly, Padilha Vidal – July 10, 2013.

   Remarks given by the  President of the Staff Association, Mr. Michael Thomas


Cualquier comentario, pueden dirigirse al Presidente de la Asociación a la siguiente dirección: [email protected]


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