
 March 15, 2010

                                                      SN- 40/09-10

Meeting with the President of the Staff Association, Mr. René Gutiérrez.*

              On November 23, 2009, during its second working session, the members of the Administrative Tribunal received the visit of the President of the OAS Staff Association, Mr. René Gutiérrez.

              This meeting took place because of the interest on the part of the members of the Administrative Tribunal in learning about the impressions the organization’s staff had of it. In this respect, Mr. Gutiérrez said that one of the reasons for the current significant decline in the flow of complaints received by the Tribunal, compared to previous years, was the requirement of a security equal to a month’s salary of a staff member at the P-4 level, for the admission of a complaint as established by the Administrative Tribunal’s Statute and Rules of Procedure.

              Although in fact the security is no longer required for the admission of a complaint, nevertheless the members of the Tribunal took note of this situation to reaffirm their position regarding the necessity of eliminating this requirement both in the Statute and the Rules of Procedure 

              Mr. Gutiérrez also expressed his concern regarding the significant reduction in the budget allocated to the Administrative Tribunal for 2010, compared with the amounts allocated in prior years. Mr. Gutiérrez suggested to the judges that, in a resolution, they call on the office of the Secretary General of the OAS to arrange that, for 2011, the funds assigned to financing the position of Secretary of the Tribunal be returned to the Tribunal’s annual budget and thus guarantee its independence. In this regard, Mr. Gutiérrez said that the independence that an organ of this importance must necessarily have responds not only to its place as an autonomous organ within the structure of the General Secretariat, but also to its need of having the financial resources necessary for its own staff.

              Mr. René Gutiérrez spoke of the importance of the Administrative Tribunal for the stability of the organization’s personnel, because it is the last instance in the resolution of labor disputes. However, he said, some staff members sometimes feel insecure about coming before the Tribunal to solve their disputes because of their lack of knowledge about the role of this organ within the OAS and the uncertainty they feel regarding the effects of filing a complaint before the Tribunal on their labor contracts. In this respect, Mr. Gutiérrez recommended that an informative meeting be convened by members of the Staff Committee and of the Administrative Tribunal so that the staff members of the organization can learn about the tools at their disposal to defend their rights. This initiative was welcomed by the members of the Administrative Tribunal, who will set an appropriate date for this meeting.

           The president of the Staff Association also availed himself of the opportunity provided by this meeting to talk about the usefulness of having an ombudsman in the organization, and said that the establishment of this position as an intermediary separate from the personnel and the administration, would without a doubt contribute to the more effective solution of internal labor conflicts in instances prior to the Tribunal’s intervention.

 * (OEA/Ser.G CP/doc.4472/10 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Administrative Tribunal (tribad) TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY)

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